Sunday, 12 May 2013

Mother's Day!!

Soooo today was hectic as all hell, I am so tired right now! None the less I have a duty and I will not forsake it. I am a fan of Mother's Day, mainly because my mother is an amazing woman and I love to pamper her. Speaking of which I love to pamper everyone, you should have seen my friends 17th. The day began with an early start, bacon, eggs and mushrooms cooked for mummy. Then the Mother's Day gifts were handed out. Fortunately for me my mother is quite easy to buy for. For a start she provides a very generous list of potential gifts for every gift event. Despite this I do try to get her something unexpected. She is also a kitchen guru and really loves working in the kitchen so gifts for that are always welcome.

Then the day was hers, trips were made, money was spent and work was done by everyone else. And the time to prepare dinner came around. A roast chicken, roast veggies and peas were made for the first course and then for dessert a chocolate fudge cake. Now I went shopping for everything last night and as my luck would have it everyone was somehow sold out of fudge, except for one store (as it turns out) which closed when I got there. Literally, employees were just leaving when I got there. So I had to do a rush inventory of cupboard contents and make my own. Which worked quite well I must say.

So that was my Mother's Day, or rather my mothers Mother's Day. Fun, stressful and all worked out (eventually). Hopefully everyone else's worked out the same way. I will of course provide recipes for the roast chicken (which was magnificent) and the fabulous chocolate fudge cake along with fudge for emergencies. Provided someone actually wants them, so leave a comment and my next blog will include recipes.

All the best,
Cathy :)

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