Hey everyone, I don't know what happened this week but I just have not been in the mood to write. I think I'm going to move my post day to Monday just because Sundays are generally pretty busy after work for me and I end up really tired. But this week I just kept putting the post off for whatever reason. But now that I'm finally getting it done my author for this week is Jules Verne.
While science fiction is not my favourite genre I do enjoy it and I am a huge fan of Jules Verne, the original science fiction author. I got my first Jules Verne novel when I was around 10 years old and I absolutely loved it. It was a copy of '80 days around the world' and somehow it got misplaced sometime in the years that passed. A couple of months ago I rediscovered him with 'Journey to the centre of the earth' which I enjoyed immensely. I am planning on buying the rest of his books and ModCloth has a beautiful hardback collection of some of his works which I would love to get. http://www.modcloth.com/shop/books/collected-works-of-jules-verne
Journey to the centre of the earth is a truly fantastic book. Here Verne introduces possibly one of the first fictional 'mad scientists' and his very reluctant nephew who find a note within a book claiming a passage to the centre of the earth that is survivable. Before and during the writing of this novel many new scientific discoveries and theories were being placed forth. Verne plays on this a lot and some of these theories made the basis for his novels. This book is not at all comparable to the movie aside from the fact that two people and their guide go on a journey to reach the centre of the earth. Otherwise most of the details are wrong and some of the story line. Got us again Hollywood!
I do plan to read the rest of what he has written and highly recommend his books for any science fiction fan. They are not as action packed as more modern novels but they are fascinating and the language is not as dense as most 19th century writers which makes it more accessible to most people. Until next week,
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