Tuesday, 1 October 2013

7 deadly sins of reading

Hello everyone, I thought I'd try to think outside the box this week and do something other than a book review. I know this tag circulated ages ago but I love watching and reading tag responses so I thought it would be fun to do. So without further ado here are my seven deadly sins of reading.

Greed. What are the most expensive and most inexpensive books in your collection?
The most expensive book in my collection is probably 'The Element Encyclopedia of Vampires' by Theresa Cheung. These element encyclopedias usually retail for about $50 in store but they are well worth it, they are stocked with information! As for my most inexpensive I actually have a collection. A couple of years ago my schools library decided to downsize (horrible I know) and they tried to sell as many books to students as they could. Toward the end they were selling them at 5c each. I still remember walking the 20 minutes home trying to carry up to 40 books in various bags.

Wrath. What author do you have a love/hate realtionship with?
For me this is Cornelia Funke the author of the Inkheart series. I really adore this series and her writing however she is one of those authors that messed up an important detail within her own story and this annoys me endlessly.

Gluttony. What book have you devoured over and over again without remorse? 
For me this is not one book but a series. I tend to reread series more than single books because I am the type of person who cannot just read the newley released book in a series, I have to go back and reread everything that happened up until the new book. So for this question I will choose 'The Rangers Apprentice' series. This is huge, with about 11 books to the whole series and I've reread it so many times between books that I think it must be the most read in my collection.

Sloth. What book have you neglected reading due to laziness? 
A couple of months ago I was reading Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita and at the time I wasn't reading very often. It may sound bizarre but I got so frustrated that I was reading it slowly and I didn't want anyone to comment on how slowly I was reading it that I stopped and moved on to another book. I haven't gotten back to it yet.

Pride. What book do you talk about in order to make yourself sound like an intellectual reader?
Not so much one book but more of a selection. I will go on about my classics to make myself sound super intellectual. Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Oscar Wilde, the list goes on. I do genuinely enjoy reading them but I will bring them up to make myself sound smarter and more well read.

Lust. What attributes do you find most attractive in male or female characters?
Romance!! Most people who know me will know that I am a complete sucker for romance. However I always like to read about a strong female character. I talked ages ago about a romance book that I absolutely hated because the female character was so very weak willed, she pushed everyone away and spent time feeling sorry for herself. Wasn't a good read.

Envy. What book would you like to recieve as a gift?
I love a beautifully bound hardback. I've also really gotten into fairy tale collections during this past year. But I think that right now I would really love some more Jules Verne novels, I want to read them all!

Well that's all, let me know if your prefer these posts and what are some of your deadly reading sins? Until next time,

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