Michelangelo Merisi (also known as Caravaggio after his home town) was one of Italy's most renowned artists in the late 16th century, not long after the original and better known Michelangelo. He was based in Rome and was commissioned by the Pope himself. His paintings, although highly praised, were very controversial and he often painted his works without the usual grandeur of other painters. His 'Death of the Virgin' contained no images of an ascent to heaven as most would and his 'Maddonna' was often dicpicted as a simple peasant woman. For this reason many churches rejected his religious work but many private buyers would seek him out.
However Caravaggio didn't look after his personal image either, he isolated many fellow painters who then tried to sabotage his reputation, then after murdering an adversary he fled to Malta with a price on his head. After another brawl he went from Malta to Naples. However from Naples it wasn't long before he received an offer of pardon from the Pope due to his work. It was during his travels from Naples to Rome that history lost sight of him. He died during his journey and while most sources agree that he seemed to have died from a fever no one really knows. After his death he seemed to pass from Italy's memory and from the rest of the world. Even to this day most would not know his name.
Matt Rees novel attempts to fill in the gaps to Caravaggios story and provide him with a proper, chivalrous ending. Caravaggios is a sad tale but one I'm glad I found, I think that 'A Name in Blood' is well worth the read. Until next time,
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